Located in the heart of the majestic Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Beacon Rock Golf Course provides all golfers everything they expect from a day at the course: a beautiful setting, excellent playing conditions, and the Clubhouse to congratulate and commiserate with friends while enjoying great food and drink, at prices that bring smiles before you tee off. The course was built with cooperation, dedication, labor, supplies and equipment provided and donated by locals with a strong desire to provide golf recreation to the local population. As you surf our site you will find information about our Men’s and Ladies’ Clubs, including who the big winners are this week, check out our Clubhouse Grill Menu featuring the famous Beacon Burger, current specials and golf programs, sign up to receive our newsletters and specials. Enjoy our website, it is only a small sample of the fun you will have when you spend your day golfing at Beacon Rock Golf Course.